Calheta beach
  • Birdwatching in Madeira

        In Madeira Archipelago you will find 43 species of nest birds, due to the variety and specificity of the existing ecosystems in Madeira Islands, it's possible to find some emblematic species, such as: the Trocaz Pigeon, the Madeira Firecrest and the Zinos Petrel, which is the most threatened bird species in the world, and other endemic species from the Madeira Archipelago and from Macaronesia.
        Apart from the land birds, there are also a great diversity of sea birds, normally it is this kind of birds that calls the attention of the birdwatchers. In Madeira Archipelago we you will find several colonies of worldwide interest, where we can highlight the North Atlantic Little Shearwater, the White Faced Storm Petrel, the Manx Shearwater and the Atlantic Cory's Shearwater.

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